The Arithmetic Dojo Year 6 – Spring

The Arithmetic Dojo Year 6 – Spring


The Vocabulary Ninja Whole Arithmetic System is a fully-resourced, comprehensive, week-by-week arithmetic test. Each weekly test covers the national expectations linked to arithmetic and mathematical fluency, while ensuring a consistent approach to arithmetic that prepares pupils for the ultimate expectations of the Year 6 SATs.

Each test pack comes in a variety of formats, which include versions with space to carry out calculations, boxed versions and even a short version to reduce paper usage.

The Vocabulary Ninja Whole Arithmetic System is a fully-resourced, comprehensive, week-by-week arithmetic test. Each weekly test covers the national expectations linked to arithmetic and mathematical fluency, while ensuring a consistent approach to arithmetic that prepares pupils for the ultimate expectations of the Year 6 SATs.

Each test pack comes in a variety of formats, which include versions with space to carry out calculations, boxed versions and even a short version to reduce paper usage.