SPaG Starter Year 3 – Summer


The Vocabulary Ninja Whole School SPaG Stater system is an amazing and comprehensive whole school resource to support schools teach SPaG effectively and consistently.

The SPaG Starter System is build around a daily 10 question SPaG Starter activity that pupils can access each and every day of the school year, for every year group. Each year group’s activities are closely aligned to the National Curriculum’s expectations for grammar, ensuring the pitch and progression of each series of documents.

Daily SPaG teaching and learning, every day for the whole school year, for school years Year 1 to Year 6.

The resource has teaching and learning theory built-in two, with regular opportunities for space retrieval. Each resource works with a three or four week cycle, where in each week, as specific grammatical concept is focused on. So, one week may focus entirely on relative pronouns, whereas the next week maybe subordinating conjunctions. Every third or fourth week, a mixed skills activity is embedded which gives a week of activities which cover the previous three week’s teaching and learning. Meaning that pupils have the opportunity to come back to previous learning and retrieve that learning, giving it an increase chance of being retained longer-term.

This resource has been built with teaching staff in mind. Each daily resource has the same activity copied 6 times, meaning that each day, a teacher would only need to print 5 sheets for a class of 30 pupils and trim. Saving time and money.

The Vocabulary Ninja Whole School SPaG Stater system is an amazing and comprehensive whole school resource to support schools teach SPaG effectively and consistently.

The SPaG Starter System is build around a daily 10 question SPaG Starter activity that pupils can access each and every day of the school year, for every year group. Each year group's activities are closely aligned to the National Curriculum's expectations for grammar, ensuring the pitch and progression of each series of documents.

Daily SPaG teaching and learning, every day for the whole school year, for school years Year 1 to Year 6.

The resource has teaching and learning theory built-in two, with regular opportunities for space retrieval. Each resource works with a three or four week cycle, where in each week, as specific grammatical concept is focused on. So, one week may focus entirely on relative pronouns, whereas the next week maybe subordinating conjunctions. Every third or fourth week, a mixed skills activity is embedded which gives a week of activities which cover the previous three week's teaching and learning. Meaning that pupils have the opportunity to come back to previous learning and retrieve that learning, giving it an increase chance of being retained longer-term.

This resource has been built with teaching staff in mind. Each daily resource has the same activity copied 6 times, meaning that each day, a teacher would only need to print 5 sheets for a class of 30 pupils and trim. Saving time and money.